Price trajectory and PNL curves

Top chart:
full price trajectories (bid/ask) with orders (sell in red, buy in blue)
squares represents delayed orders in S*

Bottom chart:
full PNL history of both strategies S (blue) and S* (red) using HTI

tickdata and orders (bid/ask tickdata without orders are skipped and just counted)
arrows denotes delayed orders

-Instrument specs-
symbol: CL NYMEX Light Sweet Crude Oil
ticksize: $0.01
multiplier: 1000
initPrice:  $76.8
annualDriftPerc: 6.71%
endOfYearAbsoluteDrift: 5.15328
endOfYearAbsoluteDriftAsNumberOfTicks : 515.328
annualVolatilityPerc: 47.4%
endOfYearAbsoluteVolatility: 36.4032
endOfYearAbsoluteVolatilityAsNumberOfTicks : 3640.32
commissionPerUnit:  $2.37
rateTicksPerHour: 1400/h
minOrder: 1
maxMultipleOfMinOrder: 5
maxSpreadAsNumberOfTicks:  3

-Sim params-
rnd_Prices_Seed : 995678
rnd_Orders_Seed : 738995
rnd_DelayB  : 747066
maxNumberOfpriceIntervals: 10000000
avgOrderRateDay: 0.5
probabilityOfOrderPerTick: 0
targetNumberOfPhases: 4
maxLengthQueue: 2
BernoulliDelayProbability: 1
toleranceOfStructureViolationPerc: 0.5%
gainOverStructurePerc: 0.5%
minOrderSpacePerc: 0.6%
minDistanceEnqueuedOrdersSameSidePerc: 1.9%

Phase 1 ΔPnL: $52,050.00 Elapsed hours for 1,144,545 new ticks at given avg tickrate (1400/h): 817.53h (34.06 days)
Phase 2 ΔPnL: $80,610.00 Elapsed hours for 1,866,291 new ticks at given avg tickrate (1400/h): 1333.07h (55.54 days)
Phase 3 ΔPnL: $82,490.00 Elapsed hours for 2,096,946 new ticks at given avg tickrate (1400/h): 1497.82h (62.41 days)
Phase 4 ΔPnL: $93,570.00 Elapsed hours for 2,154,990 new ticks at given avg tickrate (1400/h): 1539.28h (64.14 days)

Bid         Ask              Orders                             Position     PnL         Real        Unr                   Delayed (S*)              Position     PnL         Real         Unr

76.80      76.81                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.81      76.82                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.83      76.84                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.81      76.82                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.83      76.84                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.84      76.85                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.85      76.86                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.86      76.87                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.85      76.86                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.84      76.85                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.83      76.84                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.84      76.85                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.85      76.86                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.86      76.87                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.88      76.89                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.86      76.87                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.85      76.86                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.84      76.85                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.83      76.84                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
76.81      76.82                                                     0        0.00         0.00        0.00                                               0        0.00         0.00        0.00
[skipped 235,067]
83.46      83.47        Id0 Buy 5@83.47                              5      -73.70         0.00      -50.00                                               5      -73.70         0.00      -50.00
[skipped 67,389]
80.00      80.01        Id1 Buy 1@80.01                              6   -17388.44         0.00   -17360.00                                               6   -17388.44         0.00   -17360.00
[skipped 65,337]
78.69      78.70        Id2 Buy 1@78.70                              7   -25263.18         0.00   -25230.00                                               7   -25263.18         0.00   -25230.00
[skipped 62,877]
77.50      77.51        Id3 Sell 3@77.50 =>                          4   -33593.18    -17910.00   -15650.00                                               7   -33593.18         0.00   -33560.00
[skipped 149,075]
70.51      70.52        Id4 Sell 3@70.51 =>                          1   -61553.18    -53330.00    -8190.00                                               7   -82523.18         0.00   -82490.00
[skipped 140,609]
73.55      73.56        Id5 Buy 3@73.56                              4   -58557.40    -53330.00    -5180.00                                              10   -61287.40         0.00   -61240.00
[skipped 13,824]
72.52      72.53        Id6 Buy 1@72.53                              5   -62692.14    -53330.00    -9310.00                                              11   -71602.14         0.00   -71550.00
[skipped 20,306]
73.72      73.73        Id7 Sell 3@73.72                             2   -56692.14    -57990.00     1350.00                                               8   -58402.14    -29250.00   -29100.00
[skipped 84,994]
71.86      71.87        Id8 Sell 2@71.86                             0   -60412.14    -60360.00        0.00                                               6   -73282.14    -52470.00   -20760.00
[skipped 167,334]
76.92      76.93        Id9 Sell 1@76.92                            -1   -60426.88    -60360.00      -10.00                                               5   -42922.14    -55560.00    12690.00
[skipped 22,207]
77.61      77.62        Id10 Buy 5@77.62                             4   -61175.84    -61060.00      -40.00                                              10   -39545.84    -55560.00    16090.00
[skipped 18,968]
76.76      76.77        Id11 Buy 4@76.77                             8   -64634.80    -61060.00    -3480.00                                              14   -48104.80    -55560.00     7550.00
[skipped 91,430]
79.43      79.44        Id12 Sell 3@79.43                            5   -43274.80    -55630.00    12450.00                                              11   -10724.80    -43090.00    32460.00
[skipped 4,584]
82.68      82.69                                                     5   -27024.80    -55630.00    28700.00  Id4 Sell 3@82.68 [70.51-->82.68]             5    25025.20     -3580.00    28700.00
                                                                                                             Id3 Sell 3@82.68 [77.50-->82.68]        
Empty queue ------------------------------------------
[skipped 89,829]
87.46      87.47        Id13 Sell 2@87.46                            3    -3124.80    -35100.00    32070.00                                               3    48925.20     16950.00    32070.00
[skipped 135,190]
92.68      92.69        Id14 Buy 2@92.69 =>                          5    12505.72    -35100.00    47710.00                                               3    64585.20     16950.00    47730.00
[skipped 149,667]
86.27      86.28        Id15 Buy 5@86.28                            10   -19617.98    -35100.00    15610.00                                               8    45281.50     16950.00    28450.00
[skipped 130,961]
93.58      93.59        Id16 Sell 3@93.58                            7    53482.02     15330.00    38280.00                                               5   103761.50     67380.00    36500.00
[skipped 21,375]
92.77      92.78        Id17 Buy 3@92.78                            10    47767.80     15330.00    32580.00                                               8    99667.28     67380.00    32420.00
[skipped 194,203]
78.40      78.41                                                    10   -95932.20     15330.00  -111120.00  Id14 Buy 2@78.41 [92.69-->78.41]            10   -15322.20     67380.00   -82560.00
Empty queue ------------------------------------------
[skipped 16,069]
80.71      80.72        Id18 Sell 2@80.71 =>                         8   -72832.20     -8630.00   -64060.00                                              10     7777.80     67380.00   -59460.00
[skipped 135,077]
77.31      77.32        Id19 Buy 1@77.32                             9  -100046.94     -8630.00   -91270.00                                              11   -26236.94     67380.00   -93470.00
[skipped 53,391]
80.97      80.98        Id20 Sell 1@80.97                            8   -67106.94    -13940.00   -53020.00                                              10    14023.06     62070.00   -47900.00
[skipped 2,219]
81.65      81.66                                                     8   -61666.94    -13940.00   -47580.00  Id18 Sell 2@81.65 [80.71-->81.65]            8    20823.06     52810.00   -31840.00
[skipped 9,907]
82.61      82.62        Id21 Sell 5@82.61                            3   -53986.94    -38790.00   -15050.00                                               3    28503.06     14960.00    13690.00
Empty queue ------------------------------------------
[skipped 27,889]
83.68      83.69        Id22 Buy 4@83.69 =>                          7   -50835.90    -38790.00   -11880.00                                               3    31713.06     14960.00    16900.00
Empty queue ------------------------------------------

priceIntervalCounter:              2,154,990
countRandomOrders:                 23
countRandomOrdersUndelayed:        18
countRandomOrdersDelayed:          5
countRandomOrdersDelayedExecuted:  5
countPhases:                       4
queueDelayedOrders.Count:          0
Elapsed hours for 2,154,990 new ticks at given avg tickrate (1400/h): 1539.28h (64.14 days)

PnL differences at phases:
Phase 1 ΔPnL: $52,050.00
Phase 2 ΔPnL: $80,610.00
Phase 3 ΔPnL: $82,490.00
Phase 4 ΔPnL: $93,570.00